The department of science and humanities comprises of faculty members from various disciplines such as Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, English, Civil Engineering and training in soft skills.
The department also imparts knowledge on subjects like Environmental studies and professional Ethics to undergraduate engineering students
The Science & Humanities lay strong foundation for engineering students to attain excellence in core competencies with high level of motivation and technical competent.
Chemistry Lab:
The Engineering Chemistry Lab is aimed to impart practical education in Chemistry. We have well-ventilated laboratory with a capacity to accommodate 30 students each lab.
- It provides students with a practical approach towards the various techniques used in engineering application.
Major Equipment in Engineering Chemistry Lab
- UV-Spectrophotometer
- Digital Conductivity Meters
- Redwood Viscometers
- Pensky Marten’s Flash & Fire Point Apparatus
- Electrical Balance
- Distillation Unit
- Digital pH Meters
- Digital Nephlometer
- Incubator, Hot air oven, BOD and COD digester apparatus.
Physics Lab
The Engineering physics laboratory imparts required technical knowledge and skills for future technocrats. It enables students to witness physics in action.
- The lab attached to separate dark room to conduct optical experiments
Major equipments
- Travelling microscopes
- Spectrometers
- Junction diodes
- Sonometers
- Transistor characteristic kits
- Planks constant apparatus, optical kits
- RC Circute kits, Bar pendulum
- Newtons ring apparatus
- Meldes apparatus
- Differection Grating Polarimeter
- Solar Cell Apparatus
- Stewart gee apparatus etc.
English(Communication) Lab:
English language communication skills lab is designed to provide graduate students with access to a variety of advanced communication and language skills.
- English Language Labs are able to meet all the necessary parameters language learning skills, Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing to effective language learning.
- It is equipped with One server and 60 client systems installed by a software called Globarena worth Rs.1,00,000.
Major facilities
- Digital Home-theater speaker systems & Roof – speakers with studio – master and woofer
- Head – phone for each student
- Networking of all systems with Teachers Console system
- facility for Group Discussions and other recruitment exercises.