PEOs, POs & PSOs


The department’s Program Educational Objectives (PEOs), which align with the department’s Vision and Mission, are as follows:

PEO 1:

To equip pupils to thrive in acquiring higher education concepts. To teach the fundamental scientific and mathematics underpinnings, as well as the concepts and technical advances in Electrical and Electronics Engineering and related fields.

PEO 2:

To improve students’ abilities to build creative and socially acceptable electrical, electronic, and computing systems.

PEO 3:

To encourage students to practice professionalism, ethics, effective communication, and teamwork.

Motivate them to learn new things throughout their lives in order to keep up with current trends.

To encourage students and teachers to conduct research that is both valuable and applicable.



Engineering Graduates will be able to

PO1. Engineering knowledge:To solve complicated engineering issues, apply your understanding of mathematics, science, engineering foundations, and an engineering specialism.

PO2. Problem analysis:Identify, create, study research material, and analyze difficult engineering issues utilizing fundamental principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences to achieve justified findings.

PO3. Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex technical challenges and system components or processes that satisfy the given requirements while taking into account public health and safety, as well as cultural, socioeconomic, and environmental factors.

PO4. Conduct investigations of complex problems:To give reliable results, use research-based knowledge and research methodologies such as experiment design, data analysis and interpretation, and information synthesis.

PO5. Modern tool usage:Create, choose, and apply relevant methodologies, resources, and current engineering and IT technologies to complex engineering processes, including prediction and modeling, while keeping in mind the restrictions.

PO6. The engineer and society:Assess societal, health, safety, legal, and cultural problems, as well as the duties associated with professional engineering activity, using reasoning informed by contextual knowledge.

PO7. Environment and sustainability:Understand the societal and environmental implications of professional engineering solutions, and demonstrate understanding of and need for sustainable development.

PO8. Ethics:Apply ethical concepts and adhere to engineering practice’s professional ethics, duties, and conventions.

PO9. Individual and team work:Individually and as a member or leader in different teams and transdisciplinary situations, perform well.

PO10. Communication:Communicate effectively with the engineering community and society at large on complicated engineering operations, such as being able to read and create good reports and design documentation, give and receive clear directions.

PO11. Project management and finance:Demonstrate knowledge and comprehension of engineering and management concepts and how to apply them to one’s own work, as a team member and leader, to manage projects, and in interdisciplinary settings.

PO12. Life-long learning:Recognize the necessity for autonomous and life-long learning in the broader context of technological change, and have the preparedness and capacity to do so.





Electrical and Electronics Engineering Graduates will be able to

PSO-1:Electrical and electronics engineering graduates can use their skills in core and diverse fields in a creative, dynamic, and demanding atmosphere for research-based cooperation.

PSO-2:Engineers with hands-on expertise in the domains of non-conventional and renewable energy can help.