PEOs, POs & PSOs


PEO 1:To develop management professionals with a global mind-set, excellent professional competence, exceptional leadership abilities, and unblemished personal integrity.

PEO 2: To improve professional competence in smart decision-making, organisational skills, planning and its effective implementation, research, data analysis and interpretation, and a problem-solving approach.

PEO 3: To be acknowledged for the ability to handle diversity as a team player and for their leadership skills in making sound decisions when working with peers in an inter-disciplinary workplace with people of diversified cultural backgrounds.

PEO 4: Through lifelong learning and a flexible mentality, be adaptive to new technologies, innovations, and changes in the global economy and to grow as competent management professionals with strong business and entrepreneurial skills, allowing them to pursue a promising career in a variety of management fields.

PEO 5: To be responsible citizens who conduct themselves in an impeccable ethical manner, thereby empowering business enterprises through their high integrity, moral values, social effectiveness, and legal business intelligence.


PO 1: Apply the knowledge of management theories and practices in resolving the business problems.

PO 2: Foster analytical and critical thinking abilities for data-based decision making and develop value based leadership ability.

PO 3: Ability to understand, analyse and communicate global, economic, legal, and ethical aspects of business.

PO 4: Ability to lead themselves and others in the achievement of organizational goals, contributing effectively to a team environment.

PO 5: Apply systems and processes used in the functional areas of business and organisational development and inculcate innovative thinking and entrepreneurial orientation.

PO 6: To make the student recognize the need for having the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.


PSO 1: The ability to use creativity and innovation while making decisions and Application of multidisciplinary knowledge comprising of finance, operations, system, marketing and human resources management to integrate business projects as well as to manage effectively through professional ethics and social responsibility.

PSO 2:Graduates will be able to develop the extensible knowledge which is necessary in meaningful participation in local and global societies through a well-rounded business education which focusses on preparing graduates for a variety of positions in global management administration and entrepreneurship.


PSO 3: Empower the students to innovate and execute their ideas in developing the critical evaluation, problem solving, and ethical decision making skills required for considering diversity and multicultural viewpoints during the challenging business situations.